Since having my love home, we have been on the go, go, go. I am loving every minute of it. After his return home, he had 1 full day of work and then a half day which started his 96. We are taking great advantage of all of our time together and doing things that would normally be put off for a later time due to my love being tired or to busy to actually get some free time. Since 4 out of 5 days of the week I have a 3 hr time frame where both kids are at school, my love and I have taken full advantage of it. My butt however, is suffering (get your heads of the gutter).
We had the first opportunity this year, actually the 3rd time EVER, for us to take a ride on his motorcycle. It was INCREDIBLE. Just sitting on the back of that bike, with my arms wrapped tightly around my love, is more than words can express. We rode for two hrs with no specific destination to go. I felt like I was in heaven. We drove out to the beach just to smell the ocean air and feel that wonderful breeze. We had a lot of people stare and I am still not very sure if it was my loves bike that turned heads or my large size rear that was sitting on the back, but I did not care. I was with my love. It wasn't until later that night that I realized just how sore my butt was. I mean, it felt like I had been sitting on some wood (I debated on rewording that but ehhh, who cares) the entire time. Sore butt and sunburn aside, I had the best time. It was while riding on the bike that my worst idea ever formed.
I say, "hey love, how about tomorrow afternoon we take the kiddos over to the marina and rent some of those paddle things and go out on the water. I think it will be a blast the the kids will love it. So, yesterday afternoon, we did just that. I was so excited. We get all set up, life jackets on, and set off. It was actually one of those 3-wheel bikes that have the really large wheels. My love was on one with Ky and I on the other with Jade. The kids knew instantly they wanted to head to the bridge so that was where we headed. Getting there was so easy. Yeah, my legs were tired from peddling but not too bad. We make it to the bridge and pass under it, and the kids just giggle. The day was going perfect.........
Soooo, after a very short rest, we decided to head back to the dock. At first, things seemed fine, but after about a min of peddling it was then that I realized we weren't really getting anywhere. I mean, we were moving but at the pace of a turtle or maybe even a snail. I turn to my love and I realized that he too knew we were fighting against the current. Umm, not what I had planned. I never even considered the current to be a problem. Between that and the heavy gust of winds, we were fighting a losing battle. This was supposed to be a relaxing day on the water, not my gym workout for the day. Let me not forget to mention, these things were built for giants. I mean, whoever invented this bike must not have been a regular size person. The only way for me to reach the steering wheel was to lean up. It was like I had dwarf arms. Anyhow...............
We peddled, and peddled and.....well, I guess you get it. It was the most retarded thing ever. If we stopped to try to rest for a sec, the current and wind would just push us backwards. I tried to go faster, I tried backwards, and my love was even trying to help push, but I was exhausted. I was giving it my all and I felt like I was getting no where. I was almost in tears because my legs were hurting so bad. After about 40 straight min of fighting against the current, we finally made it back. We were soaked with sweat. There was not a dry place on us. I was just glad to be off that darn bike thing. Which brings me to my sore butt again. If I could show you I would, but since it is my rear, I better just explain. Right at the top of my butt crack I have the biggest most bluest bruise. I am not really even sure how it got there but I think it was from my capris that I was wearing and me pushing against the back rest on the bike. Anyhow, it hurts. When I sit, I feel the pain. That would be two days in a row that pain has been self inflicted on my butt. My butt is done. Thank goodness our plans for today include heading to the beach to relax. I plan on sitting the entire time and working on my tan. My love can do all the ocean stuff since I can't afford another incident that could result in more soreness in my butt!!
You'd better lay off the trainer at the gym until you heal and rest! You did the workout of 7 instead of one!