Monday, June 21, 2010

Let the countdown begin!

Today was a pretty decent day.  It was actually a little more hectic then I would have liked but I survived it.  I am so tired though.  I have been really really tired here lately.  No, I am NOT pregnant.  I think that this deployment process is so much more draining than I ever thought it would be.  I sleep, just not very well.  I stay up to late, I get up too early, and I can't stop having stupid dreams.  I know that I will adjust, but I just hope it is sooner than later.  On the bright side though, I officially got the call that the guys have arrived safely in their destination.  ALL BOOTS ARE ON GROUND!  Let the countdown begin!

Anyhow, back to my hectic day.  I guess it was really only one hectic thing, but it was enough for me.  I was just hanging with my gal K letting the kids play when my phone rings.  It was a number I didn't reconize so I immeditately thought it was my love calling.  I got all cheery and butterflies in my belly only to be let down.  It was not my love at all.  It was my dear friend J's security company calling to let me know that the alarm in her house was going off and it was showing entrance to 3 different doors and detecting motion in the hallway.  J and her family are on a plane to Orlando so I have no way to get ahold of her.  Now, I know that I must go there because I am the person in town who has her alarm info, only I didn't have her alarm info on me.  I was not at home.  Granted I was just a  few streets over but I had no idea where  I had placed it at my house.  It was months ago when she gave me all that stuff and I was in a frenzy.  It's like when things are crazy, my mind just shuts down.

I get to the house expecting to see police cars since the operator lady told me that the police had already been dispatched.  Instead, I pull up to find her neighbor A sitting on the front porch.  WTC?  I get out of my car and I said, "did you set the alarm off?"  She says, "Yeah, I can't remember the code."  First, the operator lady made it seem like an all out robbery in progress and second, I beat the police there.  How does that make any sense.  I live 15 min away and I beat the police there.  So, after being there about 5 min or so, they finally arrive.  This officer was a complete tool.  Not like is a jerkish kind of way but more like a stupid kind of way.  Now, don't get me wrong.  I am not calling all cops stupid but this dude was STUPID.  Apparently he had to file a report since he responded even though there was really nothing to report.  He was taking down my information and asked for my current address.  I actually had to spell Mississippi for him.  Really dude, you can't spell Mississippi.  I thought everyone new how to spell that( M-I crooked letter, crooked letter, I, crooked letter, crooked letter, I- hump back, hump back-I).

Anyhow, that dude never actually did anything.  He even left us there with the alarm still going off and never verified with the security company that either one of us was supposed to be there.  What if we were really good liars.  What if we were totally breaking in.  I kind of wish I was breaking in just so I could be like booo-yah!  Okay, not really but I sometimes do like to point out that cops are not quite as smart as they pretend to be.  Finally, as I was about to get in my car to head back to my house to see if I could find all the info, J calls me back.  That was a huge relief because I really had no idea where I put all her alarm info.  Even though nothing really happened, it was exhausting.  I was sweating like a marine and ready for a nap after that.  I spent the rest of the day doing much of nothing.  K came over to my house and we had pizza for dinner.  It is always nice to have company in the evenings because sometimes it just gets so lonely being here by myself. 

Reguardless, all I can think about is the fact that the countdown has begun...HOLLA! 

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