Monday, August 2, 2010

What's new with me?

Hmmmm, I don't really ever feel like I have very much to talk about.  As I like to put it to my love, my life is just not that interesting. There isn't too much exciting going on.  I made it back to my house about two weeks ago with brother.  Sister stayed in TN for 10 days with my mom so it gave me some one on one time to spend with brother.  We pretty much spent our days playing the wii, going to the beach, and hanging out with our friends.  I finally feel like I am starting to get the hang of this deployment!  I finally feel like myself again. 

We will also have alot of things going on in the next few wks.  That alone will help pass this month of August by very quickly.  Not only are we celebrating both of the kids birthday this month, but school is about to start.  Brother will be starting up his very first season of soccer and sister will be starting gymnastics.  Those sports alone will be enough to keep me on my feet.  I was planning a trip back to TN to finish off the summer, but after realizing what I had on my plate already, I decided to postpone it till next month some time.  When I was stressing more about the trip then I was excited about it, I realized that maybe I was pushing myself to much.  So, I took a step back and made the decision that I think was best for my kids and I at the moment.  If things keep looking like they have the past 2 wks, then I actually feel like I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.  To top it all off, we are quickly coming up on 2 mths down.  Holla!!


  1. I've missed you and its good to see you blogging again! We'll call to talk to the birthday boy soon!
